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Ordering process

A simple, convenient ordering process

Ordering a Foundation Medicine service is a simple, convenient process and our 14-day turnaround time upon receipt of the sample at our laboratory is comparable to less comprehensive tests.1–3

Ordering a Foundation Medicine service

1 Order test 2 Prepare sample 3 Send the sample to Foundation Medicine 4 Analysis of the sample and evaluationof the results 5 Receive patient report

Specimen instructions

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens, including cut slide specimens, are acceptable4

Two 8.5 mL peripheral
blood specimens5

Peripheral blood, bone marrow aspirate or FFPE tissue specimens may be used with ≥20% tumour cell content6
PD-L1 supplementary test

PD-L1 by IHC can be ordered as a supplemental test

PD-L1 expression (based on IHC) does not correlate with tumour mutational burden (TMB). Therefore, PD-L1 testing and TMB status could complement each other for guiding cancer immunotherapy treatment.7–9 PD-L1 by IHC can be ordered as a supplemental test.
Customer support

Customer support to facilitate patient care

We provide customer support built on an extraordinary wealth of knowledge, expertise and dedication to help you provide the best possible care.
Expert pathology review of sample analysis Specialist bioinformatics team identifies clinically relevant mutations Oncologists and genomics experts curate reports based on latest literature Customer support team the process Medical team is available to support you with interpretation of the report on request

IHC, immunohistochemistry. PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1.
  1. FoundationOne®CDx Technical Specifications, 2018. Available at: (Accessed March 2019).
  2. FoundationOne®Liquid Technical Specifications, 2018. Available at: (Accessed March 2019).
  3. FoundationOne®Heme Technical Specifications, 2017. Available at: (Accessed March 2019).
  4. FoundationOne®CDx Specimen Instructions, 2018. Available at: (Accessed March 2019).
  5. FoundationOne®Liquid Specimen Instructions 2018. Available at: (Accessed March 2019).
  6. FoundationOne®Heme Specimen Instructions, 2017. Available at: (Accessed March 2019).
  7. Kamzi S. Presented at ESMO Immuno Oncology Congress 2017; Geneva, Switzerland: Poster no. 35P.
  8. Rizvi H et al. J Clin Oncol 2018; 36: 633–641.
  9. Hellmann MD et al. Cancer Cell 2018; 33: 843–852.e4.